For this week’s post, I thought I’d take a completely different approach. Every week, you’ve been reading up on the latest trends, styles, or anything else that may look like it’d be a good fit for your wardrobe. However, in relation to fashionable clothing styles, I have another separate passion that I thought I’d share with you for this week’s post—interior decorations! Before you look up to check if the URL you typed in was correct, I assure you this is the right blog! As with clothing, interior decorations like bedding, room decor, lighting appliances and the like are all gateways to creativity. What expresses your own personal style (rather than the clothes you wear) better than your own room? Your living space is an extremely personal haven and the way you decorate it is an expression of your tastes and interests. As a college student with a roommate, it is hard to feel that your room is “yours”. The best solution is to design your (half) of the room in a way that truly reflects your personality. If you spend the time designing your space, I guarantee you will get the “at home” feeling every time you walk into your room. Like I’ve stressed, having this feeling in college is extremely beneficial! Unlike a shirt you may wear once a month, your room is something you see everyday. It’s something you need to live and associate with for the rest of the semester (even though it’s almost already over!) But seriously, trust me on this one—putting creative energy into designing your living space is well worth it! I guarantee!
Let’s start with some reaaalllly beautiful bedding:
Although it may be expensive, Anthropologie honestly has the trendiest, well-made, and unique bedding out there! I think that the bedding you have in your room is probably one of the most important components. It is the largest item you’ll buy, and thus the focal point to the design of your room. You can either choose a solid tone to give your room a more relaxed and matched pallet, or you can go for a colorful combination that spices up that dreary dorm you’ve been given:
Rosette Bedding; Anthropologie; $48-$288 |
Kaveri Bedding; Anthropologie; $48-$268 |
Distant Voyage Bedding; Anthropologie; $58-$228 |
If you have an apartment like me, curtains are a great way to give your room some color. You can either go for a bold look that could counter solid colored bedding, or you could choose something more sheer if these are going in your living room.
Simply Sub-Lime Curtain;; $49.99 |
Indian Jewel Curtain; Urban Outfitters; $38 |
As for wall decorations, my go-to options are usually something abstract and artsy, or something more personal like a band or movie poster. If you can’t come across anything you want to keep on your wall, try something more neutral like an intricate mirror:
Decorative Wall Mirror; Target; $29.99 |
Finally, I just wanted to post a few more random things from the Urban Outfitters apartment section that have me going crazy, but are just too expensive to buy. Hopefully you're more fortunate than me. Side note, out of any website I’ve searched or store I’ve gone to, Urban Outfitters has the most dynamic and hip apartment section, like ever.
Tromp L'Oeil Floor Mat; Urban Outfitters; $159 |
Patchwork Chair-Sky; Urban Outfitters; $249 |
All images courtesy of,,,